Orgis Debris (Compost/AT) LIVE!
Zombie Disco Squad (Made to Play/UK)
Christian Martin (Dirty Bird/USA)
Round Table Knights (Made to Play/CH)
Oliver $ (Made to Play/D)
Sqim (Gruppenzwang/D)
Daniel Haaksmann (Man Recordings/D)

As a booking agency, Jackmode looks after one of the most impressive and respected rosters in Europe, if not the World. With artists spanning the realms of Deep-House, Tropical, Tech-House and all the way to Baile Funk; Jackmode has shown itself to be a versatile and powerful player in the contemporary dance music scene.
Now Jackmode takes to the clubs itself, with a series of parties in some of the biggest cities in Europe.
Bringing you line-ups bustling with new-comers as well as giants from the roster, these clubnights are set to do nothing short of explode.
On Thursday November 4th, Jackmode erupts in it's hometown of Berlin, presented by GRUPPENZWANG as part of BERLIN MUSIC DAYS, with: Christian Martin, Daniel Haaksman, Ogris Debris (Live), Oliver $, Round Table Knights, Sqim, and Zombie Disco Squad hitting the decks at legendary Icon Club.

Orgis Debris Elektro

Orgis Debris

Zombie Disco Squad Elektro

Zombie Disco Squad

(Made to Play/UK)
Christian Martin Elektro

Christian Martin

(Dirty Bird/USA)
Round Table Knights Elektro

Round Table Knights

(Made to Play/CH)
Oliver $ Elektro, Electronica

Oliver $

(Made to Play/D)
Sqim Elektro


Daniel Haaksmann Elektro

Daniel Haaksmann

(Man Recordings/D)


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